Dear Colleagues, Family, and Neighbors,
A family can include people who are not blood relatives. A family is any group of related objects. Nothing matters more to me than my family. As Christmas and New Year's Eve approaches, I've been thinking a lot about my family. In my perspective, the Home Help Referral, you, and my neighbors are my families. We at Home Help Referral like to think of ourselves as one big family, and just like any other family, we have ups and downs, cry and laugh, and feel happy and sad.
As I look ahead to 2021, I want to highlight how great each and every one of our employees—as well as their family members—have been despite the challenges of the last year. With job and church schedules moving, kids being homeschooled, cooking a lot more than they may or may not have been used to, and worrying about their health and the health of those they care about, they have had to confront a very difficult year of uncertainty.
I'd like to thank everyone who helps our patients, including the nurses, aides, and careers, for their tireless work. I can't thank everyone enough for their relentless work, tolerance, and unwavering dedication to our patients throughout the past year. They are all heroes in my eyes. They have not gone forgotten for all that they have done for our community. I consider myself fortunate to be affiliated with everyone; they are a dedicated group who cherish those around them.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. I wish you and your family a joyful holiday season filled with peace, love, and hope for the future year. I also wish for your health, happiness, and hope. With warm regards
Muhammad A Kader Administrator & CEO